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Ethereal Woman

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Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered where that woman who was unstoppable once upon a time has gone? Or maybe you've never met that woman inside of you before? Well listen, I was that woman until I discovered that I truly am a Goddess (unasthetically)  and she's been living right inside of me. A Goddess who was never ashamed to embrace her beauty, self love, and most of all, her sexuality. You can too.....Let's tap in shall we?

The Golden Melanin Goddess


Her Melanin is shining bright, she's glowing. 
For her skin as been kissed by the sun.
Her head is full of kinky curls.
For this is her crown. 
She holds a powerful weapon with her. 
For this is her mind. 
She has goals and a mindset so big and powerful 
Those with very closed minds feel uncomfortable just being in her presence.
She walks with a stride so proud and gracefully. With her head held high and a smile on her face.
She has her Ancestors blood flowing all through her veins. 
She has the strength and Bravery of the tribes from her beautiful motherland. 
She has the beauty of the past queens. 
The mindset of her peoples' great leaders from Harriet to our brothers Martin and Malcolm.
She may identify as an African American but her heart will forever lie in Africa itself from her looks to the and movement of her feet.
To many her skin is seen as a weapon.
But to her that is a lie for her melanin represents her identity.
She sees nothing but pride. 
For she is a goddess. 
A golden melanin goddess. 

~Anonymous Writer K~

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